João Fleming Torrinha
Founder and Managing Director
20th Anniversary
It seems like it was only yesterday when I took the decision to start a mid-long term project in the automotive industry, which I founded on 19th January 2001.
From our first factory to the current four, to the representative sales offices in Germany and US, from one employee to now over 350, it has been a long and emotional journey.
In these past 2 decades I have intensely lived every moment. Through all the adventures we went through, the ongoing challenges, the numerous successes.
I can never forget so many memories with different team members at any one of our factories over the years.
All businesses pass through difficult situations as well as wonderful moments. And it is with this great energy and spirit that has supported us so far in our journey, that it will continue to support us building our own sustainable footprint with our partners for this and the next generation.
I want to thanks all members of our team, our clients, our suppliers, our communities for the great support, wishing us mutual success over the next 20 years.